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A Dutch War Hero Rests in Peace in the Land He Fought For

The Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs (Minister Pi Woo-jin) will hold the repatriation and burial ceremony of late Johan Theodoor Aldewereld, a Dutch war hero who fought in the Korean War, on September 25 and 27 respectively. The remains of the late fallen hero will arrive at Incheon International Airport on September 25 and will lie in state temporarily in Seoul National Cemetery until September 27, when the remains will be buried in UNMCK in Busan.
As a young private first class serving in Van Heutsz Regiment, Johan Theodoor Aldewereld fought in major battles during the Korean War and retired on July 12, 1952. The late Dutch war hero visited Korea for the first time through the Revisit Korea Program organized by the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs in 2016 and also participated in the repatriation and burial ceremony of his comrade late Nicolas Frans Wessels in the same year.

Late Johan Theodoor Aldewereld was extremely impressed with the exceptional respect that the Korean government has shown to Korean War veterans and left a will that expressed his wish to be buried in Korean soil.

The repatriation ceremony on September 25 will be attended by the Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs Pi Woo-jin, President of Korean War Veterans Association of Netherlands, Dutch Korean War veterans, UNCMAC, UNC, and distinguished guests.

date 2017-09-21