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UN Korean War Veterans visit Republic of Korea on Armistice Agreement and UN Forces Participation Day

The Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs (Minister Pi Woo-jin) plans to invite Korean War veterans from 16 UN sending states in commemoration of the Armistice Agreement and UN Forces Participation Day on July 27. 127 guests from 16 UN sending states will participate in the commemorative ceremony held by the MPVA, visit Panmunjeom and the ancient palace.

The event will be held to express sincere appreciation of the Korean government for the remarkable development that the Republic of Korea enjoys now thanks to the noble sacrifice and contributions of the UN Korean War veterans.

The itinerary of the event is as follows.
July 25: introduction of Korea culture including Hanbok, traditional Korean attire, visit to Panmunjeom
July 26: tribute at the Seoul National Cemetery, wreath-laying ceremony at War Memorial, Insadong tour
July 27: commemorative ceremony marking the Armistice Agreement and UN Forces Participation Day hosted by Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs, Thank You Banquet hosted by the Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs Pi Woo-jin.
July 28: visit to Changdeokgung Palace, National Museum of Korea

During the commemorative ceremony marking the Armistice Agreement and UN Forces Participation Day, the Order of Civil Merit will be bestowed to Boonchai Distakul, a former UN soldier and retired army major general of Thailand and Peter Seiersen, the President of Korean War Veterans Association Canada Heritage Unit. 

date 2017-07-21