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MPVA Visits Washington D.C. to Console the Family Members of US Korean War Veterans Unaccounted for

The ROK Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs (MPVA) plans to visit Washington D.C., United States, to console family members of the US Korean War veterans unaccounted-for

- On the occasion of the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA)'s Korean/Cold War Annual Government Briefings, the MPVA will host dinner for the family members of the US Korean War veterans unaccounted-for.
- The  MPVA delegation will pay tribute and lay wreaths before the grave of the late General Walton Walker in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Arlington National Cemetery.

- Vice Minister Lee Byoung Goo of Patriots and Veterans Affairs will have an audience with Commissioner Mike Roby of Georgia Department of Veterans Service. In addition, the MPVA will host an appreciation event for the family members of the US Korean War veterans unaccounted for at the National Infantry Museum & Soldier Center.

The ROK Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs (Minister Pi Woo-jin) said "Vice Minister Lee Byoung Goo and delegation will visit the United States from July 31 to August 5, 2019 to express Korean government's appreciation to the family members of the US Korean War veterans who remain unaccounted for."

The MPVA's visit to the United States is in line with the DPAA's Korean/Cold War Annual Government Briefings that will be held in Washington D.C. The purpose of the visit is to express Korean government's appreciation to and console the family members who lost their loved ones and are waiting for the return of their remains
The itinerary includes a visit to the Arlington National Cemetery, tribute in the Korean War memorial, dinner inviting the family members of the US Korean War veterans missing in action or capture, and appreciation event in Georgia.

First, Vice Minister Lee Byoung Goo and delegation will visit the Arlington National Cemetery on July 31, 2019 and pay tribute before the grave of the late Herman Louis Falk*, who was interred at the cemetery recently.
*Herman Louis Falk was captured during the Korean War at the age of 22 and was interred at the Arlington National Cemetery on April 11, 2019, 67 years after his death.

Then, Vice Minister Lee Byoung Goo and delegation will pay tribute before the grave of General Walton Walker*. The late general's son, Sam Sims Walker also participated in the Korean War in 1950 along with his father.
*General Walton Walker (December 3, 1889 - December 23, 1950) participated in the Korean War as the commander of the 8th US Army. He ordered his troops to protect their defense line near Nakdong River no matter what and eventually, their perseverance greatly contributed to the success of the Incheon Landing Operation. In recognition of his contribution, the MPVA selected General Walton Walker as the Korean War Hero of December in 2012.

In addition, Vice Minister Lee Byoung Goo and delegation will visit the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier* at the Arlington National Cemetery to pray for the repose of the souls of the deceased heroes.
* The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is the final resting place of soldiers who fought in WWI, WWII, Korean War, and Vietnam War and remain unidentified

In the morning of August 1, 2019, Vice Minister Lee Byoung Goo and delegation will pay tribute in the Korean War memorial located at the Potomac Park, Washington D.C.

In the evening of the same day, the MPVA will host dinner for 500 family members of the US Korean War veterans unaccounted for at the Renaissance Arlington View Hotel, Washington D.C. Vice Minister Lee Byoung Goo will attend the dinner on behalf of the Korean government. The purpose of the dinner is to comfort the family members who lost their loved ones and express Korean government's deep gratitude. Meanwhile, Vice Minister Lee Byoung Goo will present Ambassador for Peace Medals* to the family representatives.
*Ambassador for Peace Medal: The MPVA has been presenting the Ambassador for Peace Medals to the UN Korean War veterans and their family members since 1975 in order to express appreciation to them and remember the noble sacrifice and contribution of the Korean War heroes.

The MPVA has been hosting dinner on the occasion of the DPAA*'s Korean/Cold War Annual Government Briefings since 2017 and Minister Pi Woo-jin has attended the dinner in previous years.
*DPAA: an agency under the US Department of Defense, in charge of recovering and identifying the remains of unknown soldiers who were killed in action or those who went missing during wars including the Korean War, Vietnam War, Iraq War.

In particular, on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the signing of the Armistice Agreement last year, the MPVA organized a repatriation ceremony in Hawaii, US, for the remains of US soldiers that were found in North Korea. Until now, remains of 6 US sold

date 2019-08-06