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2019 International Workshop on Veterans Affairs

Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs (Minister Park Sam-Duck) will invite 9 officials from ministries and government organizations of veterans affairs of the US, Australia, Canada and New Zealand to Korea from September 23 to 27, 2019 for the 2019 International Workshop on Veterans Affairs. The theme of this year’s workshop is ‘entitlement evaluation system’ and ‘medical, employment, and educational support for veterans.’


The International Workshop on Veterans Affairs, which was first held 15 years ago, enables veterans affairs officials from UN sending states to come together to discuss, compare and analyze the policies designed for veterans in each nation.


The detailed program of the workshop is as follows.


On September 24, 2019, the Opening Ceremony of the 2019 International Workshop on Veterans Affairs will be hosted by Minister Park Sam-Duck of Patriots and Veterans Affairs at the Kim Koo Museum & Library. After the Opening Ceremony, the Statement of Intent Signing Ceremony will be held between the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs and Veterans’ Affairs New Zealand intended to strengthen bilateral cooperation and exchanges for the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War in 2020. Starting from 2:30 pm, discussions on entitlement evaluation system will begin with the presence of approximately 200 people including experts from home and abroad, military personnel, and students.


On September 25, 2019, in-depth discussions on medical, employment, and educational support for veterans will take place in the HQ of the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs in Sejong.


In addition, the guests from overseas ministries and government organizations of veterans affairs will visit the Seoul National Cemetery and United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea to honor the noble sacrifice and contribution of those who fought for the freedom and peace of the Republic of Korea.


The Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs said “the workshop will serve as an opportunity to understand the veterans support systems in major countries and strengthen cooperation with the UN sending states.”

date 2019-09-25