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MPVA hosts Peace Camp for Service Members of United Nations Sending States

Peace Camp for Service Members of United Nations Sending States

□ The 70th Anniversary of the Korean War Commemoration Committee (co-chaired by Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun and former Air Force Chief of Staff Kim Eun-gi) said the Peace Camp for Service Members of United Nations Sending States will be held from November 10 to November 12 on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the start of the Korean War.

ㅇ The initial plan was to invite the active-duty soldiers from the UN Sending States whose units had served in the Korean War as a way to express Korea's appreciation to the sacrifice and contributions of the Sending States and their Korean War veterans. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, however, the camp has been scaled down to 40 invitees including service members of the UNC and USFK as well as descendants of the UN veterans.

ㅇ The event aims to reaffirm our commitment to peace, and further strength close cooperation with the Sending States.

□ The first itinerary starts with a peace concert commemorating the UN Korean War veterans at the United Nations Memorial Cemetery in Korea (UNMCK) in Busan. During a three-day journey, the participants will attend the Turn Toward Busan International Memorial Ceremony and pay tribute at the War Memorial of Korea. The rest of the schedule includes visits to Dorasan Station and the 3rd Tunnel in the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ).

 The soldiers will attend several government ceremonies, and visit battlefields and security ares as part of the upcoming camp. The whole experience will present an invaluable opportunity to realize how precious it is to have peace and to honor the sacrifice of the Korean War veterans who were fallen in defending peace and freedom in the Republic of Korea.

ㅇ In particular, Australian Vice Admiral Stuart Mayer will participate in the camp on behalf of the United Nations Command as the UNC Deputy Commander. He will join a tour of Busan including the Taejongdae Cliffed Coast where the Monument for the

date 2020-11-09