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삭제된글 Commemorative Ceremony for UN Forces Participation Day

Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon met with the UN Korean War veterans in the morning of July 27, 2019 also known as the UN Forces Participation Day.

The national flags of 21 UN sending states marched on to the stage during the commemorative ceremony marking the UN Forces participation in the Korean War.

Prime MInister Lee Nak-yon delivered a commemorative speech, honoring the noble sacrifice and contribution of the UN Korean War veterans.

Commander Robert Abrams of the United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command, and United States Forces Korea delivered a speech during the commemorative ceremony.

The grandson of the late Charles Hercules Green was awarded with the Order of Military Merit on behalf of his late grandfather who made significant contributions during the Korean War.

Mr. Constantinos Farros, a greek Korean War veteran, was awarded with a medal for his sacrifice and contribution in the Korean War.
