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MPVA Holds Memorial Peace Concert

The Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs (Minister Pi Woo-jin) and the Patriotic Cultural Association (President Im Woo-geun) will jointly host the Memorial Peace Concert for UN Korean War veterans on November 12.

The ministry estimates 2,000 participants to be present at the event including UN Korean War veterans and their families, as well as delegations from embassies. The Memorial Peace Concert will take place in honor of the fallen heroes who sacrificed their lives to defend freedom and democracy of the Republic of Korea.

The concert will be attended by 23 bereaved families of deceased Turkish war heroes who are buried in UNMCK in celebration of 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Turkey. 
Internationally renowned trumpet soloist Jens Lindemann and cellist Bongshin Ko will perform and pay homage to the UN Korean War veterans who made selfless sacrifices during the war.

date 2017-11-10