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Late Wilhelm Cornelis de Buijzer Rests in Peace in the Land He Fought For

The remains of the late Wilhelm Cornelis de Buijzer, a Dutch war hero who fought in the Korean War to defend freedom and democracy of the Republic of Korea, will return to our nation.

The Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs (Minister Pi Woo-jin) will hold the repatriation and burial ceremony of the fallen hero on March 11 and March 12 in Incheon International Airport and UNMCK in Busan respectively.

The repatriation ceremony will be attended by Petrus Paulus Geradus Gommers, President of Korean War Veterans Associations of the Netherlands and 2 Dutch veterans who fought in the Korean War. Dutch Ambassador to Korea Lody Embrechts will be present at the ceremony in honor of late Wilhelm Cornelis de Buijzer.

After the repatriation ceremony, the remains of the fallen hero will lie in state temporarily in Seoul National Cemetery and be transferred to UNMCK on March 12, where he will rest in peace eternally.

As a young solider serving in Van Heutsz Regiment, the deceased hero arrived in Korea in February 1953. During the battle at the Iron Triangle on the night of July 26 1953, he was so severely injured that he fell into unconsciousness. However, due to slow recovery, late Wilhelm Cornelis de Buijzer returned home in October 1953. In recognition of his contributions in the Korean War, he was bestowed with the United Nations Service Medal and Kruis voor Recht en Vrijheid met de gesp Korea from the Dutch Ministry of Defence.

date 2019-03-08