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국립5·18민주묘지 - 새소식 상세보기 - 제목, 내용, 파일 정보 제공
A memorable event !
Welcome to a memorable event ! ♥Who can join? ☞ Foreigners only ♥ Where? ☞ In 5·18 National Cemetery ♥ Special events ! ☞ Enjoy wearing Korean traditional clothes(Hanbok) and taking a picture. ☞ Leave your condolence message for victims. ♥ Information If you want to join the event, please ask to the information booth. (☎ 062- 266 - 5184) ♥ How to get to the 5.18 National Cemetery * By bus (You need to take 2 buses.) - Downtown : 518 - Bus Termineral (311 ---> 518 (at seabang market) ) - Gwangju station (160 518(at seabang market) ) * 518 Frequency : at 40min,interval